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Look at your underlying personality in your favorite socks 3

Kobe Yin 2018-10-22 11:30:28
1.Plain coloured socks

2.Striped socks

3. Spot-pattern socks

4. Diamond pattern socks

5. Curved striped socks

6. Heart-shaped socks

7. Flower-pattern socks

8. Multicolored quilted socks

Choose curved striped socks

If you choose curvy and striped socks, you are truly a person with a different personality, you are a person with a quirky approach and a creative spirit.Your friends may resent you for being unconventional, because they don't understand your virtues of quick action and imagination.

Choose heart-shaped socks

If you choose the shape of your heart, you are likely to have a romantic heart.You are interesting and you pay attention to your emotions.You are a person who will give a lot to your friends and constantly seek love from others.You think a romantic date is lying on the couch and watching a comedy movie together.Don't be influenced by those around you who don't appreciate romance. Your cheerfulness is what attracts people to you.